Ruby Koans
In order to brush up a bit on my Ruby (since I barely used it during the New Year’s break), I completed the Ruby Koans.
I have enough experience in Ruby now such that the exercise wasn’t particularly difficult (though I found it tricky in a couple of places), but it served as a great reminder of some of Ruby’s basic syntax and features, and in particular its class-modification exercises were interesting.
I enjoyed the experience, so I might see if other languages I’m interested in have anything similar.
If you have programming experience and are interested in Ruby, the Ruby koans might be a good way to get familiar with it.
年末年始の間、Rubyにはあまり触れていないので、短期間のブラッシュアップをするためにRuby Koans (Rubyの公案)に挑戦してみました。
もしプログラミングの経験があってRubyに興味があったら、Ruby Koansをおすすめします。