I just couldn’t help myself… I recreated my Ruby script from the other day as an F# script: RecursiveRandomRename.fsx.

As usual, the experience was enjoyable and educational. I’m still early in my functional journey, but I think this style of programming really agrees with me. That said, I struggled a bit more than I thought I would to get the recursive section just right—but I nailed it in the end.

I think one of the personal highlights for me was discovering right at the end that I could elide fun in a couple places, as seen below:

// Before
allDirectoryItems args.Directory args.IncludedExtensions false
|> Seq.map (fun itemInDir -> rename itemInDir)
|> Seq.iter (fun result -> print result)

// After
allDirectoryItems args.Directory args.IncludedExtensions false
|> Seq.map rename
|> Seq.iter print

That’s just lovely.

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Recursive Random Resource Renaming in Ruby
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