On the heels of completing Ruby koans, I’ve also completed a set of F# koans. This set wasn’t quite as robust as the Ruby ones, but it was a fun and productive exercise.

This set included one apply-what-you’ve-learned exercise. After some struggling with the syntax, I was very happy to come up with the following solution:

let splitCommas (x:string) = x.Split([|','|])

let dayDiff opn close =
    let parseDouble strNum = System.Double.Parse(strNum, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)
    parseDouble(close) - parseDouble(opn)

let largestOpenCloseGap list =
    |> List.skip 1 // The header row
    |> List.map splitCommas
    |> List.maxBy (fun line -> dayDiff line[1] line[4])
    |> Array.item 0

AssertEquality "2012-03-13" (largestOpenCloseGap stockData)

It’s simple, but this is the first “actual” F# code I’ve ever written. It takes some getting used to, but I’m definitely starting to understand the appeal of F#—and of functional languages, in general—a bit more.

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Ruby script for batch audio conversion
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Fixing Rust koan errors in Visual Studio Code