In my tool CCVTAC, there are currently two categories of user inputs, which I model using an enum:

internal enum InputCategory { Url, Command }

(In the future, I might use a discriminated union instead.)

Users can enter inputs of any combination at once. When the user submits their inputs, the program determines the InputCategory of each input and places the results in a collection of CategorizedInputs:

internal record CategorizedInput(string Text, InputCategory Category);

Additionally, I generate a key-value pair of category counts, and this step is the subject of this post.

Originally, I used a Dictionary<InputCategory, int> for holding the counts. However, there was an issue with this: When the user entered only one category of inputs—i.e., only URLs and no commands, or vice versa—that meant that the unused category would not be added to the dictionary; yet the program would attempt to access that missing InputCategory key while counting the occurrences of both categories in the input. This, of course, caused KeyNotFoundException exceptions to be thrown.

I felt I needed more behavior than what a plain Dictionary could provide, so I settled on a custom class wrapping a Dictionary.

My initial approach was simply manually ensuring that both categories were added to the Dictionary during class construction, adding missing entries with a default of 0 during class construction. This looked something like the unfinished code below:

internal class CategoryCounts
    public FrozenDictionary<InputCategory, int> Counts { get; init; }

    internal CategoryCounts(IDictionary<InputCategory, int> input)
        if (!input.ContainsKey(InputCategory.Url))
            input[InputCategory.Url] = 0;

        if (!input.ContainsKey(InputCategory.Command))
            input[InputCategory.Command] = 0;

        // Ensure all categories have been covered.
        if (input.Keys.Count != Enum.GetNames(typeof(InputCategory)).Length)
            throw new ArgumentException("The", nameof(input));

        Counts = input.ToFrozenDictionary();

However, if I added more input categories at a later date, it would necessitate remembering to add extra conditionals in this constructor to avoid runtime exceptions, which felt inelegant.

I then throught about iterating over the enum values instead of adding them manually:

internal class CategoryCounts
    public FrozenDictionary<InputCategory, int> Counts { get; init; }

    internal CategoryCounts(IDictionary<InputCategory, int> input)
        // Ensure each category type is present.
        foreach (InputCategory category in Enum.GetValues<InputCategory>())
            if (!input.ContainsKey(category))
                input[category] = 0;

        Counts = input.ToFrozenDictionary();

This approach is better and allievated my concern above, making the constructor more future-proof. However, I still felt I was missing something. (For one, that public FrozenDictionary didn’t feel right, though I was glad to try out that new type.)

It was then I realized that I could use indexing to make this far smoother:

internal class CategoryCounts
    private readonly Dictionary<InputCategory, int> _counts;

    internal CategoryCounts(Dictionary<InputCategory, int> counts)
        _counts = counts;

    public int this[InputCategory category]
        get => _counts.TryGetValue(category, out var count) ? count : 0;

Much better! This approach means that I can access the values in the underlying Dictionary by using indexing on an instance of the CategoryCounts class, like below, and remain confident that a valid value will always be passed.

// The variable `counts` is an instance of `CategoryCounts`.
var urlSummary = counts[InputCategory.Url] switch
    1 => "1 URL",
    >1 => $"{counts[InputCategory.Url]} URLs",
    _ => string.Empty

To be fair, I had to review the documentation to recall exactly how to do this.

I think one minor concern of this approach is that, instead of setting values once in the constructor, the TryGetValue() conditional is called each time a value is retrieved. For a larger project, that might be a bigger concern, but I don’t think it’s particularly relevant here. I’ll trust the BCL’s performance on this one.

I enjoy this sort of iterative approach of development. It’s always so satisfying and enjoyable to watch my code evolve into something better.

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